Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What has happened to the desktop?

I have online marketing, why do I not have more customers?

When we think of all the possible ways that businesses can reach their customers we rarely leave out the possibility of the online market. Can a business have an effective online marketing campaign and still not attract more customers? The answer is yes. There are several reasons for this, we will concentrate on the mobile market.

What is mobile?

What is the mobile market?  It is the movement from desktops to other devices such as Smartphones and tablets. How can a business reach this market within their current online campaign? They can hire professionals to assist in the conversion of their online marketing so that it is compatible with mobile devices.  

The cost of online marketing and mobile marketing

The online market and the mobile market require money to design and to maintain. However, if firms had started before the shift to mobile devices such as Smartphones and tablets, it would have been risky. Looking back we all can see the benefits of this fast and still developing market. With this development of both Smartphones and tablets, the mobile user is in it for the long run. Sales trends show that mobile users are getting more mobile devices now than ever before. The younger demographics are now using their mobile devices such as Smartphones and tablets as primary, that’s right PRIMARY, search devices.  If businesses are not compatible with mobile devices then they are not engaging younger customers who have the highest rate of discretionary spending

I get it, I need to change. I’ll run some mobile ads

As the users are moving towards mobile, economic principles tell us that when there is a demand, suppliers will follow. Ad makers have flocked to the mobile sphere to try to capture this momentum and with it mobile ads costs have risen. According to Kenshoo Social, a digital software marketing firm, ads are 70% more expensive than their desktop counterparts. Facebook cost-per-click was 1.38 for mobile compared to .81 for desktop ads. These numbers prove the fact that mobile is the wave of the future and if businesses want to survive they must go mobile.

If ads are so expensive what can my business do?

The good news is that it will not take much to get younger, mobile, Smartphone users into your business. If you do not have an IT guy, try hiring a social media marketing consultant, someone who will take a look at the way that you engage your customers in the 24 hour online marketplace. They will let you know search engine basics and give you some tips on how to encourage customers to act. How many ads can do that? Customers are more likely to purchase with firms they have had a relationship with and the best way to connect with your potential customers is by speaking their language - an online mobile language.

A message from YouSocial

YouSocial may help you if you are looking for social media marketing help, if not please enjoy this piece and forward to anyone you know who may need to see it. 

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